2016年9月10日 星期六

Kindergarten to Primary 1 Self-recommendation Letter (sample)

Dear honourable Principal,

Subject: Self-recommendation of XXX (Full name of kid)

Please excuse me for this letter expressing the enthusiasm/ keenness/ eagerness of mine and my daughter for the education offered by the XXX Primary School.

My son/ daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which emphasizes/ stresses a balanced and well-rounded development of one's potential. Your prestigious school is so prominent/ renowned for your academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would be eager to have their children educated in such a favourable/ conducive environment.

I am sure my son/ daughter will be nurtured to become a useful member of the community if he/ she can be educated at your prestigious school by your professional teachers while following his/ her own initiative in learning and being diligent. He/ She should show great progress if suitable form of enlightenment is given by the professional educationalists at your school.

I would be most grateful if my son/ daughter could be offered an interview for you to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of him/ her. Copies of my son’s/  daughter's school reports, certificates and recommendation letters are attached/ enclosed for your kind consideration.

Yours sincerely,


升小學 Portfolio 製作


The Kindergarten Superbook English (for young learners)
Arranged in 10 units, the book nurtures the kid with some basic English knowledge (vocabulary & grammar) ranging from "Letters" (consonant sounds, vowel sounds, word families & rhyming words) to "Places" (Places we go to, Past Tense of Regular Verbs, Past Tense of Irregular Verbs), etc.


Learn about Time K2
This book includes a number of units teaching young kids the abstract concept of "time" and various ways to tell time in English. Different types of clocks and ways of showing time are included. Colourful illustrations are provided for young kids to visualise authentic scenarios to help them understand concepts relating to time.


Junior Word Bank
This book contains commonly-used words accompanied by lively illustrations which are categorised into 20 interesting themesReview exercises are included to reinforce the words learnt. This book aims to encourage young pupils to pick up new words and jot them down at the end of the book. 


English Thematic Dictionary (for young learners)
This picture dictionary contains 117 pages arranged in themes (e.g. "Shopping", "Home Sweet Home", "Our Community", "Staying Healthy", and "Travelling Abroad", etc.) with explanations of grammar items (e.g. "Adding 's' & 'es', "Simple Past Tense", "Connectors", etc.) and pronunciation highlights (e.g. Beginning sounds, Consonant blends and Digraph, etc.).


Little Leaders - Vocabulary Leader 
This is a series of books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps children to build up their vocabulary as they progress from one activity to another.


Little Leaders - Writing Leader
This is another book in the series of "Little Leader" books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps to engender children's interest in writing and at the same time cultivate good writing habits


Little Leaders - Grammar Leader 
This is one of the books in the "Little Leader" books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps children to gain proficiency in the English Language as they progress from one activity to another.


Learning English
This book promotes meaning learning of English language through (1) Vocabulary Building, (2) Acquisition of basic grammar knowledge, (3) Reading and Writing. 15 units are included in the book covering "Feelings", "Habits and Behaviour", "My Family and Relations" and "Sea Creatures" etc.


Learning Skills Series: English (K2)
This book contains activities which allow children to understand the essential components of English and enhances their basic language skills for reading and writing


Preparatory Textbook (Kindergarten to Primary 1)
Units arranged in different levels of difficulties, from talking about oneself – Level 1 (“Myself”, “My family”, “At Home and in School”, “Pets” to the world around them – Level 3 (“Creatures of the Air and Sea”, “Transportation”, “Celebrations” and “The World”)


Preparatory Workbook (Kindergarten to Primary 1)
An exercise book accompanying the Preparatory Textbook, aiming to check understanding of the knowledge taught in the textbook.


Learn about Grammar K2
This book includes a series of grammar items which enable young learners to compare and describe things accurately. Through attempting the exercises, the kids will be able to write grammatically sound and correct sentences with guidance inside the book.


Vocabulary Building (Kindergarten to Primary)
The book is arranged into a wide variety of different topics including "colours", "food", "musical instruments", "occupations" and "action words", etc. which enable kids to learn vocabulary and skills including "following instructions", "matching", and "reading skills", etc.


Learn about Additions & Subtractions K2
This book prepares young kids to learn Maths concepts through fun activities. Attractive and colourful illustrations are provided to help young learners visualise actual scenarios which aids their understanding of abstract mathematics concepts.


Bridging Exercise (Grammar & Vocabulary), K2 - Primary 1
The book is divided into 26 units, covering a wide array of grammar items necessary for junior primary pupils which includes "Verbs and Modals", "Connectors", "Punctuation", "Tenses", "Synonyms" and "Homonyms", etc. Explanations are provided before practice exercises.


Bridging Exercise (Comprehension), K2 - Primary 1
This book includes a number of practice exercises on skills relating to understanding the reading passage then give relevant answers to questions including extended ones and those which involves critical thinking. A perfect practice for those who wants their kids to read for meaning during summer. 


Bridging Exercise (Reading & Writing), K2 - Primary
This book contains 70 units of different topics, such as "Playtime at School", "Tortoise Race", "A Family Dinner", "A Fruity Meal", "Grandmother's Cooking", etc. All units contain simply sentences with pictures for young learners' easy understanding before writing practices.


The Kindergarten Superbook English (for young learners)
Arranged in 10 units, the book nurtures the kid with some basic English knowledge (vocabulary & grammar) ranging from "Letters" (consonant sounds, vowel sounds, word families & rhyming words) to "Places" (Places we go to, Past Tense of Regular Verbs, Past Tense of Irregular Verbs), etc.


Learn about Time K2
This book includes a number of units teaching young kids the abstract concept of "time" and various ways to tell time in English. Different types of clocks and ways of showing time are included. Colourful illustrations are provided for young kids to visualise authentic scenarios to help them understand concepts relating to time.


Junior Word Bank
This book contains commonly-used words accompanied by lively illustrations which are categorised into 20 interesting themesReview exercises are included to reinforce the words learnt. This book aims to encourage young pupils to pick up new words and jot them down at the end of the book. 


English Thematic Dictionary (for young learners)
This picture dictionary contains 117 pages arranged in themes (e.g. "Shopping", "Home Sweet Home", "Our Community", "Staying Healthy", and "Travelling Abroad", etc.) with explanations of grammar items (e.g. "Adding 's' & 'es', "Simple Past Tense", "Connectors", etc.) and pronunciation highlights (e.g. Beginning sounds, Consonant blends and Digraph, etc.).


Little Leaders - Vocabulary Leader 
This is a series of books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps children to build up their vocabulary as they progress from one activity to another.


Little Leaders - Writing Leader
This is another book in the series of "Little Leader" books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps to engender children's interest in writing and at the same time cultivate good writing habits


Little Leaders - Grammar Leader 
This is one of the books in the "Little Leader" books specially designed to prepare kindergarten kids to Primary One. The activities included in this book are structured and focused with specific learning objectives. This book helps children to gain proficiency in the English Language as they progress from one activity to another.


Learning English
This book promotes meaning learning of English language through (1) Vocabulary Building, (2) Acquisition of basic grammar knowledge, (3) Reading and Writing. 15 units are included in the book covering "Feelings", "Habits and Behaviour", "My Family and Relations" and "Sea Creatures" etc.


Learning Skills Series: English (K2)
This book contains activities which allow children to understand the essential components of English and enhances their basic language skills for reading and writing


Preparatory Textbook (Kindergarten to Primary 1)
Units arranged in different levels of difficulties, from talking about oneself – Level 1 (“Myself”, “My family”, “At Home and in School”, “Pets” to the world around them – Level 3 (“Creatures of the Air and Sea”, “Transportation”, “Celebrations” and “The World”)


Preparatory Workbook (Kindergarten to Primary 1)
An exercise book accompanying the Preparatory Textbook, aiming to check understanding of the knowledge taught in the textbook.


Learn about Grammar K2
This book includes a series of grammar items which enable young learners to compare and describe things accurately. Through attempting the exercises, the kids will be able to write grammatically sound and correct sentences with guidance inside the book.


Vocabulary Building (Kindergarten to Primary)
The book is arranged into a wide variety of different topics including "colours", "food", "musical instruments", "occupations" and "action words", etc. which enable kids to learn vocabulary and skills including "following instructions", "matching", and "reading skills", etc.


Learn about Additions & Subtractions K2
This book prepares young kids to learn Maths concepts through fun activities. Attractive and colourful illustrations are provided to help young learners visualise actual scenarios which aids their understanding of abstract mathematics concepts.


Bridging Exercise (Grammar & Vocabulary), K2 - Primary 1
The book is divided into 26 units, covering a wide array of grammar items necessary for junior primary pupils which includes "Verbs and Modals", "Connectors", "Punctuation", "Tenses", "Synonyms" and "Homonyms", etc. Explanations are provided before practice exercises.


Bridging Exercise (Comprehension), K2 - Primary 1
This book includes a number of practice exercises on skills relating to understanding the reading passage then give relevant answers to questions including extended ones and those which involves critical thinking. A perfect practice for those who wants their kids to read for meaning during summer. 


Bridging Exercise (Reading & Writing), K2 - Primary
This book contains 70 units of different topics, such as "Playtime at School", "Tortoise Race", "A Family Dinner", "A Fruity Meal", "Grandmother's Cooking", etc. All units contain simply sentences with pictures for young learners' easy understanding before writing practices.

2016年5月20日 星期五

成人英語學習及參考書 (English)

Common Errors in Pupils' English 
What are the common errors in English Language that the pupil should avoid to ensure that their written and oral papers have minimal grammatical and spelling error? Through interesting dialogues and comic strips, the pupil will be exposed to various examples of common errors. The use of this book is not restricted to the primary pupil but also for parents and adults who wish to eliminate common errors made in their everyday communication, particularly in writing. 

Step by Step情境圖解英語聽力大突破
一本不可多得的成人Listening Practice Exercise Book

Part 1 情境圖解
Part 2 情境暖身 -- 從生活常用圖表來練習聽力
Part 3 聽力養成
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3


  Unit 1 Returns and Refunds 商品退換貨英語 掌握連音的聽力技巧
  Unit 2 Chinese New Year Traditions
用英語聊中國新年 消音現象的聽力技巧
  Unit 3 Planning for Mother's Day
烹飪英語 利用心智圖拓展關鍵字彙
  Unit 4 Inside an Airplane
搭機英語 聽懂各種數字的唸法
  Unit 5 Getting into the Country
機場通關英語 聽懂說話者的語氣
  Unit 6 Public Transportation
用英語搭乘交通工具 聽懂口語英語
  Unit 7 At an Outdoor Market
用英語殺價 聽懂英語成語
  Unit 8 Going to the Drugstore
藥妝店英語 聽懂主旨大意的技巧
  Unit 9 Giving Directions
問路英語 做英語聽力筆記的技巧
  Unit 10 Inside a Supermarket
超市購物英語 聽懂英語指示及說明
  Unit 11 In a Bank
銀行英語 掌握內容詞的聽力技巧
  Unit 12 Inside a Movie Theater
電影院打工英語 積極主動的聆聽技巧
  Unit 13 Ordering Fast Food
速食店點餐英語 進行預測的聽力技巧
  Unit 14 Extracurricular Activities
用英語聊課外活動 聽懂句子語調傳達的訊息
  Unit 15 Inside a Fitness Center
健身房英語 掌握單字的重音
  Unit 16 At the Doctor's
看病英語 美國腔和英國腔的差異
  Unit 17 Talking about Weather
用英語聊天氣 利用前後文推敲字義的技巧
  Unit 18 Inside an Office
面試英語 掌握推論的聽力技巧
  Unit 19 At the Amusement Park
遊樂園英語 辨識英語的反話
  Unit 20 Inside a Restaurant
餐廳英語 注意聆聽引導訊息的字詞
  Unit 21 Pet Store
寵物店英語 辨識具說服力的說話技巧
  Unit 22 Inside a Hair Salon
美髮店英語 辨識易混淆音
  Unit 23 Inside a Hotel
飯店英語 聽懂英語粗話
  Unit 24 Inside a Cell Phone Store
通訊行英語 聽懂重要細節的技巧

   (附錄: 解答及聽力內容)


Chapter 1 民以食為天 Food and Restaurants 
Chapter 2 血拼購物樂 Lets Go Shopping
Chapter 3 旅遊一路通 Travel English
Chapter 4 社交學問大 Social Interaction
Chapter 5 健康百分百 Health and Fitness
Chapter 6 校園生活樂 School Life
Chapter 7 節日歡樂慶 Festivals and Holidays
Chapter 8 生活大小事 Life and Living


上班族不能不會的商業 + 辦公室英語會話


兩大主題再細分為42個單元,包含113段道地的英語對話,每段都是豐富又有趣的職場Live Show,幫你加強口說能力,讓你跟老外主管和同事可以輕鬆應答。每個單元除了職場必備實戰對話,還補充各種實用例句及單字,例如:




1. 心智圖(Mind Map

2. 全圖解(Graphic


(一) 超好用的生活常用會話句
(二) 文化重點補充

(三) 隨放隨聽MP3

學習不只侷限於在書桌前,只要戴上耳機,英文課程隨時都能啟航。全書特邀美籍老師錄製MP3,戴上耳機聆聽外籍老師精心錄製的 MP3聽老師唸、跟老師唸,聽聽語調、矯正發音,你的專屬英文課程隨時都能開始。
(四) 本書符號說明:

n 名詞;v 動詞;a 形容詞;ad 副詞;p 介系詞;i 指示詞;pr 代名詞



Smart English Series - Lower & Upper Secondary Essay Library
A collection of 200 Essays on classified into different types (Descriptive, Explanatory, Argumentative, Reports, Factual, Narrative, Stories and Situational Letters) and topics (e.g. letter of complaint, an essay about a train journey, an Autobiography, etc.) for the readers' easy reference. Each essay begins with a suggested approach and vocabulary used in each paragraph, followed by the sample essay then short comments on each one.

These two books are highly recommended for those who plan to sit for IELTS / HKDSE. The sample essays are ideal for coping with IELTS Writing Task 2.


Challenging English Essays (Secondary 1)
A collection of 140 Essays classified for easy reference. Each essay begins with a suggested approach, followed by the sample essay, then short comments on each written essay. Suitable for those who wants to build a solid foundation of writing starting from the basics, and those who plans to take public exams with a writing component like IELTS or HKDSE.


Understanding Prepositions

A super-hot item for adults and secondary students. This reference book offers advice on how to recognize, understand and use prepositions correctly. In the (a) study section the role of prepositions in phrasal verbs is explained and analysed, and in the (b) reference section the prepositions are listed alphabetically, and their uses illustrated with numerous examples.



English Model Compositions (for Lower and Upper Secondary Students)

This book is a great resource of ideas for common composition topics. A demonstration on how these ideas can link to become a continuous story, a model composition on the same topic is included for reference.

The varied topics are written in different styles, intended to present different text types. Each topic begins with ideas in short phrases for the paragraphs in a composition. Interesting words used are printed in bold, and these words are explained in the 'Vocabulary' box at the bottom of every 'Idea' page. A complete composition on the same topic is presented showing how the ideas are linked and how the paragraphs flow. Students can learn how to present their ideas in short descriptive phrases when working on their drafts. The model compositions also show the various techniques and ways of linking ideas and sentences. By reading more, a learner will be able to express himself clearly and write better compositions.
This book is ideal for those who plan to sit for public exams of all kinds - IELTS, aptitude test, government exams, etc.  


O-level English Model Essays
This book contains sample essays suitable for adults who would like to write higher level essays with vocabulary that impress. It's particularly suitable for those who have already sat for the A-level exam quite some time ago but would like to further polish their writing skills through reading. 



Conversation in Action Series

You can learn to use everyday spoken expressions (e.g. Would you like to, What's the matter, In my opinion, etc.) for easy communication on a wide variety of daily occasions with this book series. All expressions are explained with interestingly and colourfully illustrated comic strips, making it easy for all readers to remember and use the expressions with confidence. 



Proverbs in Action Series

Finding it very hard to understand what native speakers mean when they say "All roads lead to Room" and "It takes two to tango"? Try this series - it will enable you to be able to speak and write like a native speaker and a lot easier to understand the others when they use proverbs in both their writing and conversations. All proverbs are explained in detailed with colourfully illustrated comic strips, making the learning of proverbs fun!



Spoken Idioms in Action Series

Native speakers and proficient English speakers use quite a lot of idioms in their conversations. This series will enable you to understand them with ease. Learn idioms that are commonly used in everyday conversations like "A different ball game", "a tall order" or "don't hold your breath", etc. through this series which contain numerous colourfully illustrated comic strips which should aid your understanding.


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